Demand for our puppy class is very high. Please check when the next class is available

Puppies are taken once they are fully vaccinated or your vet says that may be amongst other dogs. The course runs for 6 weeks and includes:

  • Name Response - important for communication with your puppy!
  • Socialisation with people and other dogs in a controlled environment
  • Noise distraction
  • Puppy recall - it is vital that your puppy understands what to do when you ask him/her to return to you.
  • Walking on a lead in a controlled manner, handler taking charge not the dog!
  • Removing articles/toys for puppy.
  • Food manners

We also provide a training pack which has useful tips and exercises to carry out when not at club. As we train in a positive manner we also give all new joiners to the class a training toy. At the end of the course your puppy will be assessed and if sufficient progress has been achieved you will receive the Kennel Club certificate and yours puppy's first rosette!